AGM coming up soon!


Annual General Meeting

Bighill Creek Preservation Society

November 18th, 2017

At 13h00, in the hall of Seniors on the Bow

Spray Lakes Sawmill Family Sport Community Centre


Agenda Items

* Trail Use Survey – 3 summer months of 2017, through motion sensor camera
Vivian Pharis
* Trail Erosion Monitoring initiated
Vivian Pharis
* Trail Maintenance – work done, work required
Gerry Bietz
* Beavers – Their benefits to our environment.
Dr. Ken Stevenson

* Update on Gravel Pits, Big Hill Springs area.
Gerry Bietz and Vivian Pharis
* Canada thistle-eating weevil test plot initiated
Gerry Bietz
* Water quality testing – first summer and fall of results
Dr. Ymene Fouli
* Stewardship assessment
Gerry Bietz
* Financial Statement and Grants Update
Lyse Carignan
* Election of Board Members


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Bighill Creek Video

Produced by James Napoli

This 8 minute video is sure to inspire you!

Learn more about Bighill Creek and the people working to protect it.