Bighill Creek Bioblitz June 9, 2024

Trumpeters Swans, Christyann Olson

Please join us as we meet up for a a one day, 6 hour BioBlitz on the Hutchinson Conservancy Lands, just north of Bighill Creek Provincial Park.

When: June 9th, 2024  10:00 – 4:00

Where: Turn north directly across 567 from the Bighill Springs Provincial Park road. Travel north past the large pond on the left with two white Trumpeter Swans on it and bank swallows near the bridge. Go about 2 km north to a large green metal gate with cattle guard. If not open, please reclose gate as cattle could be on this property. Drive west on dirt road to a site with two pump jacks on the left, about 1 km. The beautiful landscape of natural prairie, aspen parkland and foothills will greet you.

Look for a table with bright pink BioBlitz sign.  Vivian and Lyse will meet you there.

Please:  bring a lunch, snacks, water to drink as you may need and dress for the weather

Remember:  Please have the INaturalist App on your phone or IPad so that all your observations will be recorded with the Bighill Creek Bioinventory Project.


The morning of June 4 Vivian toured the site with land owner Susan Church, and the views were splendid. In a short time we saw bank swallows, Trumpeter swans, Swainson’s hawks and two lone elk. We surmise the elk were on their own to calve as they are usually herd animals. Caution must be taken around elk with calves. No dogs, please.

We will be free to explore a large area of grasslands, aspen parkland and foothills, along with the creek, sloughs and geological outcrops. Unfortunately the knowledgeable Susan Church cannot join us on the day.

There are a few more details about the day in an earlier post on this website.


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Bighill Creek Video

Produced by James Napoli

This 8 minute video is sure to inspire you!

Learn more about Bighill Creek and the people working to protect it.