Concerned and Engaged 9 Year Old Student

Hello Mr. Guthrie,
My name is Mica, I am 9 years old and live in Cochrane.
Since my family has moved here we have enjoyed the many natural environments and parks that the area has to offer.  My little sister and I especially like to bike ride and hike in Big Hill Springs Provincial Park.  We have a special connection with this valley, we love the grandfather tree and the springs and we are very concerned with the proposed gravel mining operation in the vicinity.
I mostly am worried about the impact that this would have on the wildlife habitat and the pollution that the operation would cause to the water and air.  In my Eco Squad club at Glenbow School I am learning about the important role that all the animals and plants play in our community, we need to work hard to conserve this environment for future generations.  Like the people who lived here before us understood.
Please represent the best interests of the residents, human, animal and otherwise and oppose the extraction of natural resources in or near our provincial parks.
Thank you for reading my letter, and thank you to my parents for helping write it.
Mica and Ruby Doucette
Tyler Doucette, Stefanie Holt

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Produced by James Napoli

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