Our Bighill Creek Preservation Society (BCPS) is looking forward to our planned Fly Fishing School on Sunday September 20th at the Clubhouse in Cochrane for your six children: 3 boys and 3 girls ages 10-14 years along with their parents or at least one parent. Contact Sharon Johnson, (403-851-2562; sharon.johnson@cochrane.ca) .
The Fly Fishing class will be held at the Clubhouse, Town of Cochrane, on Sunday September 20th from 9:am to 1:00pm.
The Town of Cochrane will select the boys and girls who will participate with their parents to this unique event funded by the Cochrane Foundation. You also are most welcome to attend as our Guest and to observe. After the Clubhouse instructions we will all go to the Medford Ponds in Cochrane for actual fly fishing until about 4:00 pm.