“In Alberta, a plan for a gravel pit near a provincial park is raising concerns around groundwater” – Globe and Mail

Emma Graney, Globe and Mail reporter wrote about groundwater concerns related to gravel mining in an article published September 10, 2024.  Gerry Bietz, BCPS President and Vivian Pharis, Vice President are quoted.
The story first appeared in the Globe and Mail and is reprinted in the Cochrane Eagle. Graney writes “The preservation society has been fighting hard against the Summit Pit development proposed by Mountain Ash.”
“We recognize the province needs gravel,” he [Gerry Bietz] said in an interview. “Unfortunately, this very rich seam of gravel is located in a very ecologically sensitive area. We don’t believe that the cost to the environment is worth the value of the resource in this particular spot.”

gravel awareness

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