Minutes from last AGM

BCPS –AGM Nov 17, 2018
AGM started at 13h40
1. Confirmation of a quorum: we had 31 persons in attendance. The quorum was met.

2. Welcome:
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Presentation/approval of the minutes  November 2017
5. Reserves update: maintenance, erosion/weevils, pictures.
6. Grants – Thanks to Sponsors! Showing their page on our website.
Rocky View Operational Fund=$2,500.
* Town of Cochrane=$1,000. For insect study + donation of $164. * Cochrane Environment Action Committee=$2,000.
* Alberta Ecotrust community grant= $7,000. + $500. (administrative cost of Cows & Fish)
*Alberta Ecotrust major grant= $12,165. + $1000. (administrative cost of Cows & Fish)
*Bow River Basin Council= $10,000.
* Land Stewardship=$10,000.
* Restricted funding to pay for watershed study

7. Watershed Study Update- Dr. Fouli

8. Beavers- Dr. Stevenson

9. Mapping Project: Geomatic Study data management
SAIT’s students created a project of mapping our watershed through 21 maps.
Bighill Creek watershed is 43,049 acres /174 km210.

10. Stewardship Committee Volunteer Request/Insect Study
Trail maintenance
11. Financial statement –

12. Future Projects:

Water analysis year 2 Insect study

Continuation of trail maintenance Cows and Fish Riparian Health Study

13. Nominations/Election of Board Members (E)
President: Gerry Bietz, vice-president: Vivian Pharis, secretary-treasurer: Lyse Carignan, directors: Ken Stevenson, David Reid, Ed Fedosoff, Mike Foster. Elected by acclamation.
Adjourn: 15h30-

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Bighill Creek Video

Produced by James Napoli

This 8 minute video is sure to inspire you!

Learn more about Bighill Creek and the people working to protect it.