new foot bridge and trail loop

Bighill Creek Preservation Society Trail Improvement- New Bridge and Trail Loop


Bighill Creek Preservation Society is the steward of the Municipal Reserves located in the southern end of the Bighill Creek drainage.  Located on these lands are natural trails which offer scenic views and opportunities for encounters with nature, and exercise and tranquility. The primary trail starts at the right side of the second bridge on Big Hill Road. It generally follows the creek upstream on the south bank. It is a pleasant half hour walk to the top of the Reserves however until recently, crossing the creek to return along the unused road allowance on the north side of the coulee necessitated fording the creek.

A footbridge constructed BCPS near the northern end of the Reserves now provides a dry crossing and the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful natural area from an entirely different perspective on the return leg.

We’d like to thank BCPS volunteers who designed and constructed  the bridge. We greatly appreciate materials and financial support provided by Cochrane Foundation, Hunter Technologies, Moose Mountain Homes and Cochrane Home Hardware.

Please go to for more information regarding BCPS and a Google Earth book mark  for the location of the Bighill Creek Municipal Reserves.

Please use these and enjoy all our natural areas responsibly. Take only pictures- leave only foot prints.


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Bighill Creek Video

Produced by James Napoli

This 8 minute video is sure to inspire you!

Learn more about Bighill Creek and the people working to protect it.