Bighill Creek Preservation Society

To ensure the natural and historical values of Bighill Creek Watershed are preserved for this and future generations.
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Watershed Study begins

We have been successful in obtaining grants from Land Stewardship Centre, AlbertaEcotrust and Bow River Basin Council to initiate our Watershed Study. It should be completed by the end of July 2018.

Trail maintenance

This fall we will start upgrading our one trail. If you are interested in helping to upgrade our trail please contact us by email at

Recent activities-Spring 2017

We have spent the winter  applying for grants from different organizations. We were successful with Bow River Basin Council, but we need matching funds in order to be able to conduct a science-based watershed study. We are waiting to hear from Land Stewardship Centre...

Governance and Management of Riparian Lands Conference /Workshop

when: February 23, 2017 where: Cochrane Ranche House purpose: To teach municipalities and other stakeholders about the importance of privately owned riparian lands. To provide participants with emerging knowledge of best available science and policy tools to...

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Bighill Creek Video

Produced by James Napoli

This 8 minute video is sure to inspire you!

Learn more about Bighill Creek and the people working to protect it.