Privacy Policy

Bighill Creek Preservation Society (BCPS) is a provincial advocacy and preservation group whose primary aim is to develop a State of the Watershed Report and Plan for the future of Bighill Creek’s watershed. Part of our mission is to educate and to communicate with the interested public.

BCPS respects those who choose to communicate and work with us. That respect includes protecting the privacy of any information that you give us that could identify you or indicate your geographical location.

We limit donation acceptance to e-Transfer, cash or personal cheque in order to avoid credit card use. We maintain donation records that we will not share. As a registered Society in Alberta, we will maintain lists of donors in a secure manner and will not trade or share donor information.

Our website contains links to websites belonging to and operated by other organizations that may have their own privacy policies and conditions that must be adhered to.

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Bighill Creek Video

Produced by James Napoli

This 8 minute video is sure to inspire you!

Learn more about Bighill Creek and the people working to protect it.